Beauty and Hair Resolutions for 2016


The New Year is in full swing which means that you have probably already settled into your obligatory resolutions. Hit the gym more, eat healthier, travel more, try new things – these are all typical promises we make to ourselves when the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve. However, one thing that we notice working in salons are small changes to your daily habits that can really make a difference the health of your hair, skin and nails. Below find our list of simple and achievable Beauty and Hair Resolutions for 2016:

1. Stop hoarding products. I bet if we sifted through our makeup collections we would all be guilty of makeup hoarding. We get it – that lipstick is discontinued and that blush is really expensive. These are not good enough reasons to keep product past its prime. All products have a shelf life and using makeup beyond its lifespan can transfer bacteria to your face and eyes. Trust us, that expensive, designer mascara isn’t worth an eye infection. Introduce it to the garbage and invest in a new one.

2. Take it easy on the heat. One of the leading causes of hair dryness and breakage is your own fault. Ease up on the everyday use of your blow dryer and flatiron, especially in the winter when your hair is already prone to being extra dry. When you do use your heat tools make sure to apply a primer like ARROJO’s Protective Thickening Lotion to protect your hair.  

hair and beauty resolutions

3. Stop falling asleep with your makeup on. We are all guilty of it. After a long exhausting day even the simplest task can feel daunting. Removing your makeup becomes the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. However, not removing your makeup at night isn’t just bad for your stained pillow case – it is bad for your skin and eye health. Not letting your skin breathe at night can lead to breakouts and dry skin. Whereas not removing your eye makeup can lead to unsightly irritation and eye conditions due to your lash follicles being clogged. Try keeping a pack of cleansing wipes in your bedside drawer. That way you have no excuse!

4. Step out of your comfort zone.“If it ain’t broke, why fix it?” For many of us, when we find a look we are happy and comfortable with we stick to it. It is time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new! Upgrade your look with a new colour, bangs, or even just a new hairstyle.

hair and beauty resolutions

5. Seek help from professionals. We live in a world where fun DIY projects and at home solutions via Pinterest have become a quick fix. Over the past year, we have seen more and more clients coming into the salon in some serious need of a colour correction due to an unfortunate at-home experiment, or a bang rescue from an over the sink at-home attempt at trimming. Do yourself a favour and save yourself and your hair the trauma by booking an appointment with a professional. We promise you are safer with a professional than your Pinterest educated best friend.

Looking for more great tips? Head to our blog for tips, tricks and insight into the latest trends in the hair, nail and beauty industry! Looking to connect? Follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook for more Element Hair.