Winter Hair and Skincare Tips


Winter Hair and Skincare TipsThe snow, the freezing cold winds, and the lack of sun tends to make the time between the New Year and the spring trying on the best of us. The winter can be a struggle, especially living in Canada. We hear a lot of common complaints at Element Hair Salon about how the weather is affecting both skin and hair. With the cooler air comes a lack of moisture and itchy, uncomfortable dryness. We talked to our salon experts and gathered our top winter hair and skincare tips:

1. Get a humidifier. During the winter our furnaces blast dry, hot air throughout our homes. You will notice that over time you start waking up with dry, flaky skin. Put moisture back in the air by using a humidifier while you sleep. Trust us, your dehydrated hands, lips, and skin will thank us.

2. Care for your lips. All year long it is important to use a good, conditioning lip balm to keep your lips smooth, soft and healthy. In the winter, this is especially important as the cold weather can cause greater dryness and cracking. If you suffer from dry lips, use a gentle exfoliant, like Dermalogica’s Daily Microfoliant, on your lips to get rid of the dry, dead skin and follow with a moisturizing lip balm.

3. Turn down the heat. When you wake up in the morning it can feel extra chilly getting out of bed. The first thing we all think of is jumping into a steaming hot shower to warm up. Keep it cool and short. Although those long, hot showers may feel great, long exposure to hot water can strip the moisture from your skin. Bonus tip: use a good moisturizer all over your body right when you get out of the shower to trap in moisture.

4. Change up your shampoo game. Just like your skin, your hair feels the effects of the cold, winter temperatures. This can lead to split ends, static frizz, dullness, itchy scalp, and dandruff. All of these things can be remedied by using a moisturizing shampoo like our Element Hair Peppermint and Hempseed Cleansing Conditioner or Element Hair Repair Magic. Furthermore, as for the split ends – make sure to get regular trims at your salon!

Winter Hair and Skincare Tips

Do you have any great winter hair and skincare tips? Let us know on Twitter by tweeting at @ElementHair.