KMS California Artistic Director Michael Crispel spends the day with Element Hair!

Michael Crispel spends the day with Element Hair!

Always learning and striving to be our best, Element had the priviledge of full day private education with KMS California Artistic Director, Michael Crispel in our studio on The Boardwalk. Michael is a terrific speaker, and precision hair cutter. The day was spent sharing inspiration and the latest in cutting techniques.

KMS California Artisitc Director, Michael Crispel  at Element Hair

Michael Crispel is a North American Artistic Director and Global Artist for KMS California. He has been a 2 time finalist in Elite Master category of the prestigious Contessa Awards. His goal is to inspire and motivate stylists to strive for the highest standard by developing strong cutting design techniques while focusing on details.

KMS California hair care styling products